Common Myths About Air Conditioning

Myths About Air Conditioning In Orlando

Forget what you may have heard about these common Orlando air conditioning repair myths. 

Myth – The Room will Cool Faster if I Crank up the AC

You may return home on an unexpectedly warm day and feel as though your air conditioning in Orlando needs a quick start up to cool you down fast. So you lower the thermostat to 60 degrees, or fifty, or lower in the hopes of a speedy cooling effect. Before you add unnecessary strain to your unit and waste energy expenses, know that your air conditioner performs at a constant rate regardless of the settings.   

thermastat2Keep your thermostat at the recommended 74 to 78 degrees with the fan set to auto. A lower than reasonable setting only causes your unit to run wastefully longer than necessary without saving you anything.   

Fact – You Save Money and Efficiency By Only Running When You Are Home

Many people are under the impression that you save money on cooling by leaving the air conditioning in Orlando on full tilt throughout the day, instead of starting it back up when you get home. However, as you leave during the day, your unit will be constantly cycling cool air into empty rooms. If you are you like most people, you are probably not home during the hottest parts of the afternoon. Why force your AC unit to struggle with high temperatures that will more than likely drop long before your return home? 

Allow the house to get a little warm while you are out, and adjust to a more comfortable level when you reenter. For added convenience, install a programmable thermostat set around your convenient schedule. This saves on energy costs and time.        

Myth – A Fan Running in Every Room Will Keep the House Cool

Fans provide comfort for a room by creating a breeze that cools people but does not actually lower the temperature. Constantly running a fan in an empty room has little to no effect on cooling costs. Instead, you are needlessly adding to the power bill. Turn off fans as you leave the room, just as you would turn off lights.   

Fact – A Smaller, More Efficient Unit Yields Better Results

AC units are specifically selected to match the particular design and size of your home or business. An oversized air conditioner will overperform to make the air clammy and uncomfortable, as well as run up high utility bills and potentially require continual Orlando AC repair. Have a certified HVAC professional perform a detailed analysis of your property to determine the most suitable model.      

Myth – Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Will Save Cooling Costs

Even with vents closed, the duct work system will still be sending air towards that vent. The result is that you are spending the same amount of energy costs to cool your duct work. Also, contaminants like bacteria, animal dander, and dust will collect in the vents and worsen your breathing air when it should be improving it.   

Fact – Orlando Air Conditioning Repair is Less Costly With Regular Maintenance

A routine inspection from a professional Orlando air conditioning technician can spot common problem areas and fix issues before they require costly repairs. No one wants to discover midway through the hottest season of the year that their AC unit has unexpectedly failed, so keep regular maintenance to avoid stress and discomfort.

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