How to Prepare Your AC for Winter and Fall

Fall has arrived! And although it might not feel like Fall in Florida just yet, now is the best time to be proactive about preparing your Orlando air conditioner for the change in weather. Your air conditioner will get a lot less use in the upcoming winter season, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. The Orlando air conditioning experts at Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning have just the tips you need to avoid damage and keep your AC ready for the next cooling season.

Change the Air Filter

The start of a new season is always an ideal time to change out your current air filter with a new one. Your filter is likely dirty after heavy use during the hot summer months. A dirty filter can cause your system to lose energy efficiency. Changing the air filter regularly helps to protect system components and improve the air quality circulating in your home. And who doesn’t want clean air where they live?

Clean the Condenser Unit

The condenser unit, the part of tour HVAC system that sits outside, can often collect leaves, sticks, dirt and other bits of natural debris which can affect your AC’s performance and make it more likely to break down. Clean your condenser unit thoroughly by hosing it down with an outdoor hose in late fall or early winter. Placing foam pipe covers around any exterior exposed pipes to better insulate them from lower temperatures is also a smart idea. A waterproof vinyl or plastic cover over the outdoor unit will insulate it and protect your HVAC system from the elements. Be sure to check the cover frequently to ensure the cover is secure and that natural debris isn’t piling on top.

Check Your Thermostat

With the temperature lowering, you will want to make sure you are keeping the indoor temperature comfortable for your family. Try keeping temperatures as low as comfortable during the fall and winter months to save on your electric bill. It is also recommended that you set your thermostat down 10 to 15 degrees when you’re asleep or not home. If adjustments need to be made to your home’s indoor temperature, be careful that changing your thermostat setting will not cause your air conditioner to turn on unnecessarily or unexpectedly.

Schedule Maintenance Checkup

To keep your air conditioner up and running, it’s important to have it serviced at least once a year by a certified Orlando HVAC technician. Right before the winter months arrive is the perfect to schedule this appointment. Your AC has just gone through months of heavy use and will need a tune-up. “Fall is the perfect time to schedule a seasonal maintenance checkup with an Orlando AC service expert. At Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning, our Central Florida Air Conditioning experts can ensure your unit is working at peak performance and doesn’t have any issues that would get worse during the winter months when it lies dormant,” stated Mark Derringer, President of Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning.

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