Top 5 Reasons AC Units Fail During Summer

Top 5 Reasons AC Units Fail During the Summer

In communities like Orlando, air conditioning is a crucial necessity for most of the year. Does your AC seem to consistently disappoint you the very moment the weather gets warm? You can avoid spending your dog days in sweaty, unplanned discomfort by bearing in mind a few simple points. Here are five common reasons that AC Units tend to fizzle while we sizzle.

It Needs a Check Up

In the winter months, do you forget you even own an air conditioner? More importantly, do you remember your air filter? Your AC has been stagnant for weeks, but build ups of dirt have been slowly clogging the filter, creating a virtual wall of sediment and blocking air flow. The result is a system that quickly overheats as warm air gets trapped inside the ducts. Before you experience problems at all, you should have your unit inspected for routine maintenance by an Orlando air conditioning professional at least once a year, checking the drain lines for often missed clogs that will quickly disrupt your unit.  Even just changing the air filter every 4 to 6 weeks will spare your air conditioner unnecessary stress.

It Needs a Bath

Just like blocked vents and a grimy filter on the inside will overheat your system, so will a blanket of mud and debris covering your outdoor unit. A dirty condenser coil is one of the leading causes for emergency AC repair in Orlando, one that is easily prevented through care and routine maintenance. Your unit is attempting push warm air outside while cooling the air that goes inside, but you a thick layer of untreated dirt will act as an insulator. The result is a steady stream of warm air throughout the house. This is unpleasant for you, and stressing to your struggling, unmaintained unit. You will save untold time and money (and a little sweat) if you have a professional check your unit once a year.

It Needs Coolant

If an icy build up is constantly freezing your unit, you more than likely have a coolant leak, often the result of a damaged condenser coil. You may notice that your system pushes out lukewarm air during the day and cools at night after sunset. An air conditioner trying to keep up on a hot day with low coolant will run constantly, resulting in skyrocketing energy bills. Get the coolant replaced and check for leaks before your power bill overwhelms your summer.

It Needs a Break

Contrary to popular belief, your air conditioner does not run on magic. It is a machine, and like all machines, has an optimal running capacity. If your unit has to compete with weeks of 100 and above degree weather, then setting the thermostat to 65 degrees is like constantly running your car at 100 miles per hour. If your unit is constantly running on high, it will eventually exhaust itself. The recommended setting is 74 degrees, but if it seems as though your air conditioner is still running all the time, you may have an insulation problem. The more energy your AC unit spends in attempting to cool your sweltering attic, the more pressure on your energy costs as well. Simple home adjustments can save exorbitant amounts of money on Orlando AC repair costs. Insulate your house to keep more cool air in, use a programmable thermostat to set more reasonable temperatures when no one is home or at night when temperatures tend to drop, and use fans throughout the house to make a noticeable difference. 

It Needs to retire

A well maintained AC unit will typically run well for an estimated 20 years, but an atmosphere that is high in humidity can cut that lifespan in half. Also, if you are guilty of the first four points mentioned above, your AC could be due for an early retirement.  If your home unit seems on its last legs, it may be time to throw in for a new one. If you are concerned about the costs, bear in mind that a faulty and inefficient unit can eventually cost more in long term than the cost of installing a newer, more effective model.

If any of these common issues seem a familiar problem, bear in mind that most of these can be avoided with easy routine maintenance that is noticeably less costly if taken care of early. When worst comes to worst, remember that affordable, reliable installations and AC repair in Orlando is only a phone call away.

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