FAQs about Replacing HVAC Systems

What does HVAC stand for?

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.

Do you need to maintain your HVAC systems regularly?

Yes, it is important that you carry out regular maintenance of you Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system. This will ensure that the entire system continues to function at optimal performance. You can hire Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning Inc., as your Orlando Air Conditioning Repair expert to help with regular maintenance of your system.

How do you maintain your HVAC systems?

It is very important to maintain unrestricted air flows. Dirt, dust, and debris are that major things that restrict airflow in the HVAC system. Keep the filters of both your indoor and outdoor HVAC unit clean. Try changing the filter after some months. This will reduce the probabilities of your system developing issues.

Carry out Professional Orlando AC Service from time to time using the Orlando Air Conditioning Repair experts at Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning Inc. We guarantee you top class repairs, servicing, and maintenance that will ensure that your HVAC system works at optimal performance.

What are the benefits of changing my filters regularly?

Regular replacement of filter will help your heating and cooling system operate at optimal performance. It will also improve indoor air quality. Change filters regularly will ensure proper air flow, keeping your home dust, allergens and germs free.

How often do I need to replace my filters?

Based on the type of filter used by your heating and cooling system, this can be done weekly or monthly. Your Orlando AC Repair or installation technician will recommend the best filters, as well as replacement schedules for your HVAC system.

Asides changing filters, what other maintenance should I carry out on my HVAC system?

It is advisable to hire the services of reliable AC Service Orlando Company like Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning Inc. to carry out regular maintenance on your heating and cooling unit. However, you can still do the following to assure optimal performance:

  • Ensure that the outdoor units mounted on the ground are clear of dust, clutter, debris, and weeds. They can limit the airflow to the unit.
  • Be careful when trimming arrears surrounding the outdoor unit, so as not to damage the control wiring.
  • Keep your pets away from the outdoor units.  Pet urine can bring about costly damage to the unit.

How do I know if my HVAC system is working properly?

Is it sufficiently heating or cooling every area of your home? Do you hear strange noises while using the system? Does the system take longer to heat up or cool down? Have you noticed an unnecessary rise in your monthly utility bills?

Any of these are signs that indicate that your system might have developed a fault. One you notice anything abnormal, contact Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning Inc., your dependable Orlando Air Conditioning Repair company to check out the system.

What size or capacity HVAC system is right for my home or business?

Unfortunately, there is not a particular method of determining the right size or capacity of HVAC system for your home offsite. Simply get in touch with Bob Heinmiller Air Conditioning Inc. for the installation or replacement of your HVAC system. Our technical experts will survey and measure your home or office to determine the right AC system for the place.

How can I increase the efficiency and life of the heating and cooling units in my home?

The following are some tip for increasing the efficiency and life of the heating and cooling unit in your home:

  • Clean and replace your filters regularly.
  • Ensure that the blower is in the “on” position. This will make it possible for your system to heat and cool more evenly. The blower is responsible for constant air movement all over your home. It helps in improving filtration.
  • Install drapes, shades, shutters, or screens on windows which are directly exposed to extreme sunlight. This will ensure that room temperatures are kept at moderate levels.
  • Close doors not in use, and block hole in doors and windows. This will prevent air from escaping and also ensures even heating. Your system will not have to overwork to heat or cool your room.
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